Regular Dresser Sourdough Loaf
Blue Durham and Red Hard Wheat Flour
Hereford Well Water
Evaporated Sea Salt
“Pete” Sourdough Starter
Crafted with care using local water and grain, our Black Market Marvel sourdough bread is truly unique. Made with a touch of quirkiness and a whole lot of love by a mother-son duo, each small batch is a delightful treat waiting to be savored.
Blue Durham and Red Hard Wheat Flour
Hereford Well Water
Evaporated Sea Salt
“Pete” Sourdough Starter
Crafted with care using local water and grain, our Black Market Marvel sourdough bread is truly unique. Made with a touch of quirkiness and a whole lot of love by a mother-son duo, each small batch is a delightful treat waiting to be savored.
Blue Durham and Red Hard Wheat Flour
Hereford Well Water
Evaporated Sea Salt
“Pete” Sourdough Starter
Crafted with care using local water and grain, our Black Market Marvel sourdough bread is truly unique. Made with a touch of quirkiness and a whole lot of love by a mother-son duo, each small batch is a delightful treat waiting to be savored.